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Weekly Team Blog

The Wild Side of Golf!


Hey, Eaglebrooke! Have you ever seen a Gopher Tortoise up close?

Golf is often referred to as a relaxing game, but it is no walk in the park! Especially on our course, where you are bound to see something WILD.

Our 130 acres house all the usual critters—squirrels, raccoons, wasps, and such. But I have experienced more wildlife on my course excursions than I ever would have expected! Here are a few of our favorites…

Gators. As the saying goes, if there is water in Florida, there are alligators. Even if you can’t see them, you can expect for them to be there! We have a few large reptiles who call our ponds home and we can live in harmony so long as no one gets too close. Florida Fish & Wildlife advises for you to keep your distance—more than likely, if you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you!

Sandhill Cranes. These graceful birds are surprisingly curious! The paired couples have been known to walk right up to our Clubhouse doors, flirting with their reflection in the window. They mate for life and we have several pairs that can be seen strutting the boulevard and fairways. Again—don’t forget that these birds are not domesticated and should be given their space! Especially when seen with a chick.

Gopher Tortoises. A slow & steady pace probably won’t win you many fans on the golf course, but these tortoises won’t complain. Known for digging deep burrows, watch your step if you’ve hit a stray shot into the brush! They are a protected species and it is illegal to handle or disturb them. The overarching theme is to admire our wild critters from afar!

Wild Hogs. I can’t actually name these as one of our “favorites”, but I thought they were worth mentioning! It doesn’t happen too often, but sometimes the hogs choose the soft ground of the golf course to dig up roots and bugs. They venture out at night and travel in packs—leaving a path of destruction for our team to find the next morning. If necessary, we will hire a professional to relocate them. Growing as large as 150 pounds and 5-6 feet long, they are not to be underestimated!

Eaglebrooke is located directly next to the Se7en Wetlands & Lakeland Highlands Scrub parks, so we are quite accustomed to seeing all sorts of Florida Wildlife! It is common to see pelicans, ducks, turkeys, and deer that wander our way. We’d love for you to share any of your neighborhood or course sightings with us!

--Ivy Myers, Director of Sales, the Club at Eaglebrooke