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Weekly Team Blog

Light at the End of the Tunnel: Post Covid-19


I am patting myself on my back because this entry marks Blog #3! They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, so I think you can officially call me a ~blogger~

Today’s subject is a little bittersweet, as we are almost exactly 1 year removed from the day our facility was shut down due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Our management, staff, and members were devastated to say the least, but we all agree that we are seeing a growing light at the end of this year-long tunnel. Beginning this Monday, April 5th, the state of Florida is allowing anyone over the age of 18 to receive a coronavirus vaccine and we are already feeling the positive effects!

The month of March 2021 will be the first month since March 2020 that we did not experience any rescheduling of events or cancellations due to Covid-19 related concerns!! Our weekly Thursday night Bingo games have been consistently busy, and we are receiving reservation requests from families we haven’t seen in months. We even surpassed our attendance goal for the Club’s annual Easter Brunch (and we are still accepting reservations!).

This steady increase in attendance has us hopeful for our upcoming events, which include Live Music Night, Prime Rib Dinner, Mother’s Day Brunch, and Trivia Night!

Our excitement about the increase in traffic through the restaurant and event space is not blinding us to the risks we still face-- we are reminding ourselves of the importance of wearing masks & maintaining safe social distancing when possible. Because although we are not currently operating under any state mandated guidelines, we are well aware of how quickly that can change!

We are beyond fortunate to be in Polk County, Florida where our golf course was able to carry us through the past year of trials & tribulations. In terms of growth, the year 2020 was the most successful year in golf history, and we absolutely felt that locally! Our membership sales have been on the rise, and we are hoping to keep this momentum going through the rest of 2021.

I’ll be posting again next Friday— please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions regarding our memberships or special events calendar!

--Ivy, Director of Sales, the Club at Eaglebrooke